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Postdoc Position


Our group is seeking candidates with experimental expertise in optical and electrical studies of low dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides materials and devices especially microcavity. Nanofabrication skills and physical depth in exploring the light-matter interaction based on 2D materials are preferred.​

Interested applicants should email the following materials to the address below: a cover letter with a description of research interest, CV, publication list and names and contact information of two or more references. Applications will be reviewed immediately until the position is fulfilled.


Graduate Student Research Position


We are always looking for highly motivated graduate students in physics, electrical engineering, and material science.. If you are interested in investigating light-matter interaction in nanoscale solid-state physics, please contact Dr. Snoke directly.



Contact Information:


David Snoke

Professor of Physics and Astronomy

University of Pittsburgh

G10 Allen Hall

3941 O'Hara St

Pittsburgh, PA 15216

Tel: (412)624-9007




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