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Our group has recently made efforts into creating channels for the propagation of polariton condensates. We have successfully designed these channels in shape of long narrow wires, square pillars, and rings.


Movie showing the flow of polariton condensate in the ring channel. The polaritons created near the top of the ring undergo equilibration to reach the bottom the ring where they undergo few cycles of pendulum-like oscillations before settling to the bottom of the ring trap.[Read More]

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We report a direct measurement of the polariton–polariton interaction strength in a very high-Q microcavity structure. By allowing polaritons to propagate over 20 μm to the center of a laser-generated annular trap, we are able to separate the polariton–polariton interactions from polariton–exciton interactions. [Read More]

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We report the first unambiguous observation of BEC of optically trapped polaritons in thermal equilibrium in a high-Q microcavity, evidenced by equilibrium Bose-Einstein distributions over broad ranges of polariton densities and bath temperatures. With thermal equilibrium established, we verify that polariton condensation is a phase transition with a well-defined density-temperature phase diagram. The measured phase boundary agrees well with the predictions of the basic quantum gas theory. [Read More]


We have shown half-quantum circulation in a spinor polariton condensate trapped in a two-dimensional trap. Interference fringes showing coherence across the entire ring condensate. The fringes arise because two copies of the image from the two legs of a Michelson interferometer are overlapped. [Read More]

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We are investigating the effect on polariton condensates in long wires when a current is injected or a bias voltage is applied across these wires. [Read More]


We have demonstrated long-distance (~ 1 mm) flow of polaritons in a potential gradient. This is possible because of the long lifetime (~ 200 ps) of the polaritons in our samples. [Read More]

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Universal method of characterization of ultra-high Q microcavity

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