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1. Fourier space microscopy to map dispersion of photonic structures and radiation pattern of nanomaterials;

2. Time-resolved imaging microscopy (Streak camera with a resolution of 2 ps); 
3. Low temperature (4K) confocal microscopy and spectroscopy (steady-state and time-resolved)
Angle-resolved reflection and photoluminescence (4K)
5. Photoluminescence excitation (PLE) 

7. Optoelectronics instruments (Keithley)
6. Ultrafast tunable laser (Coherent), Msquared Laser, variety of diode lasers, HeN, etc

Fabrication facilities:

The Nanoscience and Engineering center located steps from our lab on the Pitt campus has state of the art fabrication tools including electron beam lithography (Raith 30 keV), Focused ion beam etcher, Reactive ion etcher, various thin film deposition, etc. In addition, our group also has access to the Claire & John Bertucci Nanotechnology Laboratory at Carnegie Mellon University In addition to the Nanofabrication facility at Pitt nanofabrication center, we have facilities for
1. 2D material exfoliation and transfer stage;
2. Machine shop;


The group also has several computational tools for modeling of photonic structures and light-matter interaction including
2. Numeric analysis based on Matlab and Mathematica;
3. Transfer Matrix;

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