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​Principal Investigator


David W Snoke

Dr. Snoke approaches "clean" semiconductor systems as testbeds for studying basic principles of low-dimensional physics, quantum phases transitions such as Bose-Einstein condensation, nonequilibrium dynamics, dephasing, and control of quantum coherence. For a complete list of his publications click here.

Postdoctoral Associate


Zheng Sun

Zheng joined our group in November 2017 after finishing his Ph.D. in Vinod Menon's group at Graduate Center of City University of New York (CUNY). He is leading our group's project on two-dimensional materials for studying strongly coupled light-matter physics.[Read more]

Graduate Students


Jonathan Beaumariage

Jonny has worked towards developing optical characterization techniques for high Q microcavities and has overhauled our lab's automation capabilities. He is also investigating strain effects for tuning strong light-matter coupling in two-dimensional materials.


Shouvik Mukherjee

Shouvik is investigating the many-body effects associated with the flow of exciton-polariton condensate in a narrow channel. He is exploring connections to optical spin hall physics and complex dynamics in a simply-connected closed channel.[Read More]


Qi Yao

Qi is the newest member of our group after he graduated from Peking University in China. He started working in our lab in Summer 2018. He is learning device fabrication and optical measurement techniques. Now he is working in the electrical field induced polariton transport in a wire.


Nicholas Hougland

Nick is a first year graduate student in the group. He graduated from Carnegie Mellon University in spring 2019 and joined our group in early 2020. He is currently working on 2D materials and is learning about device fabrication and optical measurement techniques.


Hassan Alnatah

Hassan joined our group in January 2020 after he graduated from Oregon State University. He is currently learning about light-matter physics in 2D transition metal dichalcogenides. He is also learning about device fabrication as well as optical measurement techniques. 


Qiaochu Wan

Qiaochu joined our group in July 2020 after he graduated from Shanghaitech University in spring 2020. He has one-year working experience in making 2D materials stacks as an exchange student in Feng Wang's group at UC Berkley. He is currently working in our group on setting up a new optics/spectroscopy testing station and studying charged excitonic complexes in 2D materials.

Undergraduate Students

Jessica Chisholm

Jessica is a Junior Undergraduate student who joined our group in January 2020. She is currently learning about 2D TMDs, device fabrication and optical measurement techniques.


Jonathan Beaumarige(Ph.D.)


Qi Yao(Ph.D. 2024)


David M. Myers (Ph.D. 2019): Post-Doctoral Fellow at École Polytechnique de Montréal, Stéphane Kéna-Cohen-group.


Burcu Ozden (Post Doc 2018): Teaching assistant professor at Penn State Abington


Chitra Gautham (Ph.D. 2016): Member of Technical Staff, Intel Corp.


Mark Steger (Ph.D. 2016): Post- Doctoral Fellow at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory.


Gangqiang Liu (Ph.D. 2016): Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Yale University, Qlab.


Jeff Wuenschell (Ph.D. 2015): Postdoc at the Aerospace Corporation


Nick Sinclair (Ph.D. 2014): Dynamic Compression Sector, Institute for Shock Physics, Washington State University.


Bryan Nelsen (Ph.D. 2012): Postdoc at the Westsaechsiche Hochschule.


Botao Zhang (Ph.D. 2011): Member of Technical Staff, Intel Corp.


Oleg L Berman: (Postdoc 2011) Associate Professor at New York City College of Technology 


Ryan Balili (Ph.D. 2009): Engineer at Gentex. 


Vincent Hartwell (Ph.D. 2009): Systems Engineer, Brashear.


Zoltan Voros (Ph.D. 2008): Postdoc with Gregor Weihs, University of Innsbruck.


Sava Denev (Ph.D. 2005): Postdoc with Venkatraman Gopalan, Penn State University.


Yingmei Liu (Ph.D. 2004): Associate professor at Oklahoma State University.


Viorel Negoita (Ph.D 2004): Technical Staff - TRUMPF, Inc.



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